Make a Difference, Make a Living, Have Fun Doing It!

Pro Speaker You

Make a difference, make a living, have fun doing it!

What is Pro Speaker You?

Pro Speaker You is a multifaceted marketing and promotion service, designed exclusively to raise the careers of professional speakers to new heights!

The marketing and promotion capabilities that you’ll find in Pro Speaker You include:

Finders Speakers

Finders Speakers is a directory of professional speakers.

Membership in Pro Speaker You provides you with one or more (depending on membership level) entries in Finders Speakers, so that you can promote your keynotes, programs, and speaking services worldwide to the people who hire speakers!

Meeting planners are looking for you! Help them find you by using your Finders Speakers’ entries!

(Check out Finders Speakers here.)

Who Sez is a searchable directory of quotations, soundbites, and information points made by the thought leaders of today. People who want to embellish their slide shows with useful and memorable quotations can now discover what you are saying about a particular topic… and quote you as the industry expert!

All members of Pro Speaker You get a number of entries (which depends on your membership level) in the quotations database.

Best of all, you can update your soundbites and information points whenever you want, as many times as you want. So your quotations are always fresh and relevant!

(Check out Who Sez here!)

Speaking of the News is a wire service that distributes press releases about everything that’s happening in the speaking world.

Pro Speaker You members who have the right (depending on membership level) to write and distribute their own press releases can add their own press releases to the Speaking of the News news wire, and so spread information about their newsworthy event to interested parties around the world!

(Check out Speaking of the News here!)

Do you have products or services that can help your fellow speakers? Stuff 4 Speakers is your place to reach those speakers who need your resources!

Best of all, you pay no commission on the sale! The ability to post one or more products or services in Stuff 4 Speakers is included in many of Pro Speaker You’s membership plans.

Reach the people who need what you’re selling by promoting your products or services in Stuff 4 Speakers… an exclusive benefit of membership in Pro Speaker You.

(Check out Stuff 4 Speakers here!)

Savvy professional speakers know that it’s important to never tell a client “no”. But they also know that they can’t accept every speaking opportunity that comes their way. What’s the answer?

It’s simple! Tell your client “I can’t help you, but I can recommend someone who can!”

But now your problem becomes, where do you find speakers who you can recommend to your valued clients? That’s where Pro Speaker You’s Referral Registry comes in!

When you can’t handle a speaking opportunity, you can search the Referral Registry for exactly the right speaker to satisfy your client. But that’s not all!

As a member of Pro Speaker You, you can list yourself in the Referral Registry so that when a fellow member is looking for a speaker who can “deliver a keynote address in Spanish on customer service”, for example, and you meet those requirements, they can refer you!

The client is happy (they’ve got the speaker they need), the first speaker is happy (they didn’t have to tell a client “no”), and you’re happy (you get a speaking engagement that you wouldn’t have had otherwise). Everybody wins!

The Referrals Registry — a valuable benefit exclusively for members of Pro Speaker You!

A career in professional speaking can be both fulfilling and fun. But it can also be lonely.

The Speakers Corner of Pro Speaker You is a community where you can discuss the trials and triumphs of professional speaking; where you can talk about the challenges of pro speaking with people who understand what you’re talking about; and where you can get suggestions and guidance from the people who have walked the same path that you’re on.

Of course, the best way of connecting with your fellow professionals is meeting them face-to-face (at NSA conventions, chapter meetings, etc.). But sometimes that just isn’t practical… or even possible.

The Speakers Corner of Pro Speaker You — the virtual community “where everybody knows what you’re talking about!”

We’re delighted when Pro Speaker You members spread the word to other speakers about how useful PSY is. And we believe in rewarding such enthusiasm.

Every member of Pro Speaker You is automatically a PSY advocate. This means that when you join PSY and you recommend PSY to someone else (using your unique URL), you will receive from 10% to 50% (depending on your own membership level) of the membership fees that that member pays… for the life of their membership!

There is no separate affiliate program to join, and there’s no fee to pay. Being a Pro Speaker You advocate is an automatic perk of PSY membership.

We love it when you love PSY and you spread the word… and we reward you for it!